Kaleidoscope Memories

A kaleidoscope of beautiful memories surrounds us. Life changes. We adapt. We move onward, but we never forget the beautiful images of our past and present lives. Maybe this process keeps us from the death Nin describes.

The process of becoming, the current of life, passed down to me, as forever, kaleidoscope memories. 

Forever memories, kaleidoscope memories pulsing through our lives to help us (re)construct what we know. 

Change is inevitable and can be a beautiful part of life, but a mind is a terrible thing to lose. Then it doesn't matter how happy we are, and the change isn't so beautiful. (Or is it? You decide.)

The forever memories, the kaleidoscope memories . . . they help. Even though the voice on the other end of the phone hesitates to recognize your own. 

Nonetheless, the journey continues through the current that moves and connects all of us.